The Lost Fortune At Key West

In 1622, the fleet of Spanish ships known as Nuestra Senora de Atocha (Our Lady of Atocha) was heading home when they were caught in a hurricane off the coast of Key West. The ships were carrying gold, silver, gems, indigo, tobacco, copper and plenty more, all valued at a staggering $700 million. Most of the ships perished in the hurricane, and by the time the surviving ships reported the disaster back to Havana, it was too late to salvage the ships and the treasure. Over the years, the Spanish managed to recover about half of the treasure with the use of Indian slaves (many dying in the process). Treasure hunter Mel Fisher found an enormous amount in 1985, including gold, silver and emeralds. Most recently, a ring was discovered 35 miles from Key West that is estimated to be worth $500,000.
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