The Beale Ciphers

In early 1800s, Thomas Jefferson Beale and his men were in the Rocky Mountains and came across an enormous amount of gold and silver. They spent 18 months mining this fortune, and it was down to Beale to bury the treasure so that their families could enjoy the fortune for generations (it is estimated to be around $63 million). Beale wrote three ciphers, with one describing the location of the treasure, one describing the contents, and the final cipher listing the men’s names and next of kin. He placed these in a box and trusted them with an innkeeper named Robert Morriss who was supposed to wait 10 years, and if Beale had not returned, a key to the ciphers would be mailed to Morriss. It never arrived, and only the cipher detailing the contents has been decoded. The ciphers were made public, but the location remains a mystery.
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