Butch Cassidy’s Hidden Treasure

There are not many outlaws more notorious than Butch Cassidy, who was the leader of the Wild Bunch gang in the American Old West. He was forced to flee the U.S. with Harry Alonzo Longabaugh (or the Sundance Kid, as he is better known), after being heavily pursued by the Pinkerton detective agency. The famous duo fled to Argentina and then Bolivia, where they were killed in a shootout in 1908 (although some believe that Cassidy survived). It is thought that before fleeing the country, Cassidy buried his hidden loot somewhere in Irish Canyon, located in the northwestern part of Colorado, Moffat County. This is apparently a remote valley where Cassidy and the Wild Bunch would escape to when the law was hot on their tail, and the stash is believed to be $20,000. To date, nobody has ever found the loot.
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